#Ready 4 Construction
Every Week
During school terms
Face to face & online
Units / subjects
Locations available
Are you thinking about a career in the construction industry? If you’re keen to discover the basics of building and construction and start your career in this diverse and rewarding industry, Ready 4 Construction (R4C) could be perfect for you.
Our Ready 4 Construction (R4C) program, delivered on live construction sites, gives you direct exposure to a wide range of construction trades and professions, and the latest industry knowledge. You’ll get to observe workers on the job in their day-to-day work so you can get a real taste of what’s involved.
R4C combines real world training where you will undertake a Certificate I in Construction unlike anywhere else. There are 11 units of competency — 8 core and 3 elective — which are grouped together as practical tasks that you would typically perform on a construction site.
The program is completed as part of your school studies. You will attend the nominated site one day per week during each term over the school year. Hutchies' online Learning Management System (LMS) offers students flexibility when completing the underpinning knowledge (theory) component of the program.
Enrolments for our 2025 intake are now open
#Course Partner
The Ready 4 Construction program is funded by the Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET) under Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS).
#The Nitty Gritty
#Who it suits
Ready 4 Construction is perfect for school students who are keen to start a career in construction. Ideally, you will be in year 12.
To be eligible, you must be a Queensland resident and NOT previously completed a CPC10120 Certificate I in Construction or accessed VETiS funding.
This course gives you a hands-on learning experience on a live construction site.
Together with structured workplace learning, Hutchies Training provides career education in face-to-face and online formats. Our easy to use online learning management system delivers the information you need to take your construction career further.
You will be assessed on seven essential tasks and a structured workplace learning component.
The tasks are:
- Safety on a Construction Site
- Stuff I need to know
- Setting out a site
- Saw stool
- Construction project
- Environment
- Structured workplace learning
Assessment is performed by trainers with the right skills and experience to the tasks being undertaken. Our assessment process meets the National Assessment Principles and we provide relevant equipment, facilities, and training materials to create a learning environment that gives our students the ability to succeed.
#Course Materials
We provide all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required to work on a construction site. All course materials and related information is provided through the learning management system.
To enrol in Hutchies' Ready 4 Construction pre-employment course, you must meet the following requirements:
- Currently enrolled at a Queensland High School
- A Queensland resident
- Not completed a VETiS qualification previously
We will always make sure your privacy is protected.
Any information we collect about you is used in accordance with Australian and International Privacy Principles and Laws. For more detail on how we protect your personal information, please read our privacy policy.
#Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Our website is just the first step of your training journey. You’ve probably got some questions — lots of people do.
Check out the list of things that other people ask us, with helpful answers. If you still have questions, get in touch — we’d love to hear from you.
What is Ready 4 Construction?
Ready 4 Construction gives you the basic skills and knowledge to prepare you for a career in the construction industry. The course is ideal for applicants still at school (preferably in Year 12) who have an interest in the construction industry.
How long is the course?
R4C runs for every week during school terms, generally attending a site based training school and undertaking online learning on alternating weeks.
How much does it cost?
This course is funded by Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Business and Training.
How do I enrol?
Click on the Start Now button at the top and bottom of the page, select the course and location and follow the instructions.
Am I guaranteed a job or apprenticeship?
You are not guaranteed a job or apprenticeship, however you are trained in resume writing, job applications and interview techniques that may assist you in a career path in construction.
How do I get more information before applying?
If you've already explored this website and still have questions, please feel free to get in contact with us — we’d love to hear from you.
Graduates of this course often^ find jobs as:
The average^ salary of graduates in their first full time job after finishing this course is $51,200
Data based on averages provided by the Federal Department of Education and Training
#Units of Competency
Ready 4 Construction is made up of 11 subjects which are broken into 8 compulsory units and 3 electives.
Our delivery focusses on grouping units together into several key tasks that you would perform on a live construction site. Our trainers select the most appropriate electives for the specific operating environment.
CPCCWHS1001 / Prepare to work safely in the construction industry
(C) – Core Unit (compulsory)
This unit of competency specifies the mandatory work health and safety training required prior to undertaking construction work. The unit requires the person to demonstrate personal awareness and knowledge of health and safety legislative requirements in order to work safely and prevent injury or harm to self and others. It covers identifying and orally reporting common construction hazards, understanding basic risk control measures, and identifying procedures for responding to potential incidents and emergencies. It also covers correctly selecting and fitting common personal protective equipment (PPE) used for construction work.
CPCCWHS2001 / Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry
(C) – Core Unit (compulsory)
This unit specifies the outcomes required to carry out work health and safety (WHS) requirements through safe work practices in all on- or off-site construction workplaces. It requires the performance of work in a safe manner through awareness of risks and work requirements, and the planning and performance of safe work practices with concern for personal safety and the safety of others. The unit covers fundamental WHS requirements necessary to undertake work tasks within any sector in the construction industry. It includes the identification of hazardous materials, including asbestos, and compliance with legislated work safety practices. It does not cover removal of asbestos, which is a licensed activity.
CPCCOM1012 / Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry
(C) – Core Unit (compulsory)
This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry.
CPCCOM1013 / Plan and organise work
(C) – Core Unit (compulsory)
This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to plan and organise basic work tasks on a construction site.
CPCCOM1015 / Carry out measurement and calculations
(E) – Elective
This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to undertake basic measurements and calculations to determine task and material requirements in a construction work environment.
CPCCOM2001 / Read and interpret plans and specifications
(E) – Elective
This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to read and interpret plans and specifications relevant to construction operations at a basic level.
CPCCCM1011 / Undertake basic estimation and costing
(C) – Core Unit (compulsory)
This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to prepare a basic estimate of material, labour and costs for a construction project.
CPCCCM2004 / Handle Construction Materials
(C) – Core Unit (compulsory)
This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to safely handle and store commonly used construction materials manually or in preparation for mechanical handling.
CPCCCM2005 / Use construction tools and equipment
(C) – Core Unit (compulsory)
This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to safely select and use basic construction tools and equipment.
CPCCVE1011 / Undertake a basic construction project
(C) – Core Unit (compulsory)
This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to undertake a basic construction project using basic tools, equipment and materials.
CPCCOM1014 / Conduct workplace communication
(E) – Elective
This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to communicate effectively with other workers in a construction workplace environment.
#Fees & Payments
This course is fully funded by the Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET).
Want to know more?
Check out our Student Handbook for additional information.
This course can be completed at the following Hutchies Training locations.
#Need some help or have some questions?
Please get in touch with one of Hutchies Training's course contacts below.
Peter Forsingdal, National Training Manager
Mobile 0438 886 766
Email peter.forsingdal@hutchies.com.au
Michelle Buckland, Training Coordinator
Mobile 0447 758 566
Email michelle.buckland@hutchies.com.au
#Ready to apply?
Make sure you're ready before you apply — only serious applications will be considered.